Annual meeting 2009

The Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics division of the Department of Plant Systems Biology (VIB – Ghent University) is organizing BioMaGNet’s Annual Meeting on October 22nd 2009.

We invite all scientists working on bioinformatics, modeling or related disciplines to participate in this conference which will focus on research topics covered by the different national and international partners of the Interuniversity Attraction Pole BioMaGNet.

The meeting will take place at the “Fiers-Schell-Van Montagu&rdquo FSVM research building at the Technologiepark 927 in Ghent, Belgium.

Please find an overview of the program incl. keynote speakers here.

We are looking forward to see you at the conference!

All submitted abstracts are now available for download (or click here for an overview).